Pastor Chad's Itinarary

Saturday, July 28, 2012

"Rejoice In the Lord"

Luke 10:20b) "...rejoice that your names are written in heaven."

 I want to share what the Lord has been doing in the ministry at PHBC and hopefully it'll be an encouragement to others, especially other pastors, to fight the fight and keep the faith.
     The Scripture teaches clearly that believers have much to rejoice in. First of all, believers can rejoice knowing the Sovereign God of the universe has created them, loved them, chose them, and has given them eternal salvation in His Son. Secondly, believers can rejoice knowing "those who love God all things work together for good, for those who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28)."  No matter the circumstance, trial, or tribulation the believer has the calm assurance, "God is in heaven and He does whatever he pleases (Pslam 115:3)." Thirdly, the believer can rejoice in the salvation of sinners.
     Why should believers rejoice in the Lord when a sinner is converted? I will start with the answer to which many miss when it comes to the salvation of sinners. The Bible teaches, "salvation is of the Lord (Jonah 2:9)." Jesus said in John 15:16, speaking to his disciples, "you did not choose me but I choose you." Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus, "God chose you in Christ before the foundation of the world (Eph.1:4)."There are several other references in the N.T. which teach of God's Sovereign election of individuals "unto salvation (2 Thess. 2:13)." This teaches us that salvation is in the hands of a complete sovereign God and no one can thwart His plan. This cause humility on the behalf of the one whom God brings to a place of salvation, knowing salvation is "by grace through faith and that not of ourselves, it is a gift of God so no man can boast (Eph.2:8-9)." The reason why believers can rejoice in the Lord in the salvation of others is because salvation is the "free gift of God." When a sinner comes to salvation, they experience a supernatural work of God, not merely a 'human decision' (John 1:11-13) to be a Christian or to ask 'Jesus into their heart.' But a miracle of God, for that is what salvation is a miracle wrought by God the Holy Spirit.
     In saying this, I want to now share with you what God by HIs grace has been doing the last week at PHBC. For the last 10 months we have seen somewhat of a 'revival' at the church where I serve as pastor. The Lord has been gracious to us in bringing new people to our fellowship and bringing sinners to Himself through repentance and faith. Over a year ago, I did not know if I would still be at this church or not due to conflict of intrest with some of the families of the church. The Lord helped me through those situations, brought a freshness to my soul, a new passion for Him, and a zeal for preaching the gospel like never before.
     The last week has been somewhat overwhelming for me as a pastor. The church at PHBC had its first VBS in several years. Upon our discussion of even having VBS, we decided it would not be like most VBS (spending money on curriculum, decorations, and blow up games), but rather it would be simple, somewhat 'old school.' We decided I would write lessons for the Bible study lessons, which would be saturated with Scripture and the gospel of Jesus Christ. We would have a time for the children to have recreation, a time to do some type of craft, and have a small snack each day. I wanted our focus to be upon Christ and nothing else. I wanted the children to leave with a sense of urgency for their souls. The Lord blessed and we were able to pour into the souls of children the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am thankful, I had teachers who studied and prepared for a couple of weeks in teaching and taking serious the need to teach them the word.
     VBS ended last Sunday morning with their last lesson during our normal Bible study time with Jesus and Nicodemus. After that we all converged in the auditorium for the gathering of God's people to worship through hymn and preaching. During this time a new believer in Christ came forward and shared his testimony of God's saving grace in his life. He explained that God had taken him from drugs, alcohol, and had given him a new heart. This was surely a glorious and encouraging thing for our fellowship. After the service people gathered into their cars and drove to the Red River to witness Jon's profession of faith by believers baptism. There were over 60 people gathered on the bank of the Red River to encourage Jon in his walk with Christ.
By the way, it was my first baptism in a river!
     As the day was ending and I was preparing for bed, my oldest son Chance comes into our room to talk with me. Chance is shy and quiet for the most part. But, Chance was perplexed about something as I could tell in the tone of his voice as he sat on my bed. Chance wanted to know if a person could be saved and not know it. Which I replied, "when God grants a person repentance and faith, to turn from their sin and trust in Christ for salvation they will know it." I could tell this bothered him. He began to share with me how his heart had been affected through the preaching of God's Word, VBS, and our family devotion for an extended period of time (probably a year or so). He said, "he had an understanding of his sin toward God and he was wanting to trust Christ for him to forgive his sin." The Lord gave me Philippians 1:6, "he who begins a good work will complete it unto the day of Christ Jesus." I told Chance to call upon the name of the Lord and to turn to Christ for his eternal salvation. He wanted me to pray for him, so I go out of bed and we knelt down beside the bed and I prayed to the Lord to help him. After I finished Chance, prayed, "God help me, I need you to save me, I can not do this on my own." The prayer did not save him but he acknowledged to the Lord what he was in need of. My friends I rejoiced, just as the Lord commanded his disciples to do in Luke.
     Right now, I am counseling with Chance as we read God's Word together and I see slight changes in him (he is quick to ask to pray). I am seeing evidence of God's grace in his life. This is of utmost importance when it comes to true salvation, it is not if you prayed, were baptized, or even joined a church but rather is there fruits of spiritual life in the life you live from day to day?
     So I ask you... First, do you know how your sin offends the Holy God of the Bible? Second, do you understand what the gospel is (can you articulate the gospel in 60 seconds)? Thirdly, has those two things caused the way you live your life to change? Remember, there is no justification (forgiveness of sin) apart from sanctification.
     I say all of this to encourage you wherever you are in your ministry to trust in the hand of the Lord. Also I pray we as believers would "rejoice" in God's kingdom being advanced for His glory!


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