Pastor Chad's Itinarary

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"What Is Prayer?"

1 Thess. 5:17) "pray without ceasing"

The direct command of the Apostle Paul unto the church at Thessolonica. He commanded them to pray always, continually, and without stopping. I am amazed at the number of times I have been apart of a mid week service in a local church, which is traditionally called a "prayer meeting" and there is no time of prayer. For the last few weeks God has truly convicted this young pastor to lead God's church to fall down before Him and to pour our hearts out to Him. If the church is to ever see a true "revival" it will begin with God's people humbling themselves on their knees before the Sovereign God of the universe.
I believe when God's elect assemble together it ought to be for (at least in part) a time of prayer. Last night at PHBC we begin having a true "prayer meeting." After a time of studying God's word together, the woman assembled together to pray, as did the men. I believe not only is this scriptual but it will also unify the body and grow the saints at PHBC in severally ways.
First, it will cause us to be a church that will be intentional when it comes to praying together. Second, when we pray together it will cause barriers to fall down between church members that might have been up for several years (it is hard to pray for someone or with someone and keep hard feelings against them). Third, when we pray together it will allow others to share burdens on their hearts they might not share in a mixed assembly. Forth, when we pray together it will give others opportunities to pray that might not feel comfortable in praying in an assembly as well. Fifth, when we pray together it will allow our children and youth to be apart of a true prayer meeting and to see godly men and woman on their face before God.
What is prayer? I believer I will quote the old Puritan John Bunyan.
"Prayer is a sincere, sensible, affectionate pouring out of the heart or soul to God, through Christ, in the strength and assistance of the Holy Spirit, for such things as God has promised, or according to His Word, for the good of the church, with submission in faith to the will of God."
It is my prayer God would be pleased to bless His saints at PHBC, as we endeavor to become a biblical N.T. church. for His glory!