"For those who serve well as deacons gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that this in Christ Jesus (1Tim.3:13)."
Tonight the leadership (pastor and deacons) of Pleasant Hill Baptist church will meet with a purpose. I wanted to briefly share what our meeting will look like and pray it would help someone or perhaps someone could help us. My last church I pastored my deacons and I meet monthly to discuss the business of the church. This was very much needed seeing our congregation was not very large. But, one thing which always concerned me was we never discussed the peoples spiritual well-being or if their physical needs were being met.
I have purposed our meetings at PHBC to be grounded in the Word of God, in prayer, and discussion about spiritual/physical well being of the flock at PHBC. As God ordained leaders of His church we must submit ourselves to hear from the Him and His word in order to get our marching orders. After receiving our orders, we must seek Him through prayer. As pastor and deacons we must give our attention and prayers in interceding for God's people at PHBC. We will pray for our sick, our faithful, those who are visiting our fellowship, and those who need to be converted by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Here is a sneak peek in what our pastor/deacons meeting will consist of tonight:
I. Scripture Reading
- Galatians 5:13-15
II. Pray For PHBC
- Pray for the saints of PHBC
- Pray for our shut-ins
- Pray for those who have been visiting our fellowship.
- Pray for the community, that God would open doors for the gospel
III. Discussion of Biblical Church Leadership
- Introduce Lay Elders
- Present the need of new deacons to serve the body
IV. Deacon Care Ministry
- Discuss the needs spiritual/physical needs of each member
- Discuss updates on shut-ins and widows
- Discuss any pressing needs for members in the fellowship
V. Miscellaneous Items
If you see or know of anything we could do differently please feel free to let me know. Most of all, my desire as the pastor of PHBC is not allow one of God's sheep to fall between any cracks. Shepherding souls is a serious task, which one should never take lightly.
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