Pastor Chad's Itinarary

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

"Stay In the Book"

Happy New Year! It is hard to believe it is 2019. And with the New Year beginning today, it is a great time to commit to reading through your Bible systematically. I have a favorite saying to those who come to embrace Christ as their Lord and Savior. I like to tell them, "Stay in the book!" In other words, READ YOUR BIBLE! I wonder if any of you read your Bible in its entirety this year? Did you know it only takes 72 hours to read your Bible straight through? Or if you read 16 chapters, which would take an hour a day, you could read the Bible in 3 months?  Many claims, "I don't have the time" but in reality, we all have the same 24 hours a day. Its how we choose to use them.

Jesus said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God" (Matt.4:4). We would be foolish, nor would we go days, even months without eating food. We would never starve ourselves when it comes to physical food; so why is it there are many who profess to follow Christ who starves themselves from their spiritual food? I believe there are two clear-cut answers:

First, if a person does not desire to spend time in God's Word they have allowed sin to overcome them. They have failed to understand the glories of Christ found in His Word. They are forsaking the communion and worship of God by replacing it with some other god. A.W. Tozer said, "Whatever keeps me from my Bible is my enemy." Perhaps, you have struggled with reading God's Word on a regular basis this year or since becoming a Christian. You must repent. Ask God to forgive you and to help you. Then ask Him to help you become more discipline.   Set an appointment and stick to it as if your life, no your soul depended upon it.  

 Second, if a person has no desire to spend time in God's Word it maybe they are not a Christian. When a person who has been born again by the Spirit of God, He gives them a desire to read God's Word. No one will have to convince them to read, study, and meditate on God's Word. God the Holy Spirit gives that person a holy hunger for the things of God. If you have no desire to read the Word of God you may need to examine yourself (2 Cor.13:5) to see if you are in the faith.

Regardless, I suggest each person have a systematic way of reading God's Word. I like reading different plans each year, as well as from different translations. This last year I read the Old/New Testament passages each day plan and read from HCSB. I like reading from my a hard copy of the Bible instead of an electronic one. There are too many distractions when reading from electronic one and I suggest the same. This year I have chosen the "5 Day Reading Plan." 

In closing, there are many reading plans, mobile apps, and daily reminders that there is really no excuse for a Christian not to read their Bibles on a daily basis. So, I am placing a link on here that has several different Bible reading plans to choose from. Click the link to choose your Bible Reading Plans for 2019. The main thing is to simply READ YOUR BIBLE!  I'd also be interested to hear which one you choose. Let me know. And may the Lord be pleased to reveal more of Himself to you as you seek to know more of Him in 2019. SDG.

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