Pastor Chad's Itinarary

Monday, April 1, 2013

Thoughts On The Fall Of Satan and Redemption

Why did Satan tempt man?  It would appear that Satan fell due to pride. Man was the pinnacle of God's creation and His image bearer. Satan rebelled because he wanted God's throne, or didn't want to minister to a lower creature (man), or due to jealousy, or a combination of all three. After the angels fell,  God cast them from heaven and proclaimed them damned; they would not be redeemed, forgiven, reinstated,  or give another chance. They will be without grace,  hope,  God's love,  and favor. Therefore,  Satan,  in all his malice and hatred tempted man to sin thinking that they too would be unredeemable, unforgivable,  unsalvable, and that God's creation would be ruined and beyond repair. Oh, how wrong was that devil?  God planned from all eternity to save His elect.  Christ came and lived a sinless life and died an atoning death.  He was also raised in victory. He conquered death and Satan and sin. Satan is a defeated foe. It is beyond our comprehension but,  God ordains whatsoever comes to pass. This includes the Fall- Satan's and man's. God does everything for His glory and the fame of His name.  He created and allowed sin to enter. He planned to save some to the praise of His glorious grace.  He also magnifies His holiness and justice by punishing sinners,  including the demons for eternity in hell. Note the kindness and severity of the Lord. He is deserving of all praise and adoration.  Fall before Him in humble worship. He is worthy so fear and obey. Repent and trust Christ for salvation; time is fleeting. Remember,  all that we have comes from Him. All things are from Him and through Him and to Him. ALL THINGS! To Him be the glory forever.

A guest blog post by Rick Muchewicz. Rick is a graduate of Boyce College a school of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville  KY. Rick is married to Karen and they have one daughter Ella. The Muchewicz's are members of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church in Orlinda, TN.

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